HoiHoi Language School

Privacy Statement

Who we are

This is the privacy statement of HoiHoi Language School, located at Ravelstraat 5-4, 6815 HA, Arnhem (from now on: HoiHoi), our website is: https://hoihoi.school.



This privacy statement is applicable to all privacy-sensitive information or personal data that you provide to us; for example, through the sign up form, contact form, open day form or a private / in-company language contract. We attach great importance to the privacy of our customers and we will exercise great caution and accuracy in processing and protecting your personal data. We process the data in compliance with the Algemene Verordening Gegevensbescherming (AVG) also known as the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). HoiHoi is accountable/liable within the meaning of the AVG for processing your personal data. This means that we determine which personal data is processed, to which purpose, and in which way. We are responsible for processing your personal data in a proper and careful manner in compliance with the AVG. In this privacy statement, we will explain which personal data we process and for which purpose.


This is the data we store

Please find below our overview of the personal data we will process:

  • First and last name
  • Pronouns
  • Phone number
  • Email address
  • Language level within the HoiHoi curriculum


Goal and basis of processing personal data

By accepting this Privacy Statement, you give explicit consent for processing your personal data for purposes listed below. You can revoke your consent at any given time. In case you do not want to give us access to certain personal data or you do not want us to process personal data, it is possible that we cannot be of service to you.

In case you do not give us explicit consent for processing the personal data or in case you revoked your consent, processing your personal data  can in some situations still take place, if indispensable to process a service agreement to which you are a party or will become a party, or if the personal data are a necessity to the legitimate interests of HoiHoi. In addition, HoiHoi can have a legal obligation to process your personal data.

We process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Processing your payment
  • Informing you about the course
  • Informing you about the HoiHoi events
  • Evaluating our experience of a completed course
  • Creating quotations for private or in-company classes
  • Your language level and progression thereof
  • Sending our newsletter
  • Call or email you regarding necessary information for our services
  • Call or email you regarding changes or cancellations to our services

For these purposes, we will save your personal data no longer than necessary.


Disclosure to third parties

We can provide/disclose your personal data to third parties if this is compatible with above-mentioned purposes. Disclosure can be indispensable in the execution of the service we provide to you, or if the disclosure is a necessity to the legitimate interests of HoiHoi or to meet legal obligations. We will enter into a processor agreement in compliance with the AVG with businesses or third parties that process your personal data to secure the same level of security and confidentiality of your personal data. HoiHoi remains responsible and liable for the processing of the personal data. Outside of the aforementioned situations we only provide/disclose your personal data with explicit consent from your end.


Commercial use

We can use your personal data for commercial purposes. For example, to give you updates regarding new courses or services we offer. In that case, we will inform you through email of which you can always and at any time opt-out.
Your personal data will also be used for optimizing our service offering. In that case, your data will be converted to anonymous data which will not be traceable to your personal data.
Your data shall not be sold or shared with third parties for commercial use.



A cookie is a small text file that is saved on your computer, tablet or smartphone when you visit this website. We combine your personal data to give to the best / most functional online experience. By combining your personal data, we can show personalized offers and content from HoiHoi on different websites.

You can disable cookies by setting up your internet browser that it will not save cookies anymore. Furthermore, you can delete information that has been saved earlier through the settings of your browser.


Managing preferences

You have the right to look into, correct, or remove your personal data. You also retain the right to revoke any consent given to process your personal data or object to the processing of your personal data. You have the right to data portability if we possess digital personal data that we process with your permission or process because of the service agreement between you and HoiHoi.
That means you can request us to send your saved digital personal data to you or to a third party at your request.

You can send a request to look into, correct, remove, or for data portability or your request to revoke permission or object to the processing of your personal data to info@hoihoi.school.

To be certain the request is done by you, we ask you to send a copy of your identification card with the request. Please make sure that you black out your photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the strip with numbers at the bottom of the document), document number, and BSN (burgerservicenummer), in order to secure your privacy.
We will respond as soon as possible, but within 4 weeks, to your request.

We would also like to point out that you have the possibility to file a complaint with the national protection agency, the Autoriteit Persoonsgegevens.



We take the protection of your personal data seriously and have appropriate measures in place to make sure there is no misuse, loss of, unauthorized access, unwanted disclosure, unauthorized modification of your personal data. If you are under the impression that our data is not secured properly, or if there are signs of abuse please contact us at info@hoihoi.school.