HoiHoi Language School

Hoihoi, my name is Bo and this is a Dutch language school that starts conversations

Hoihoi – thanks for stopping by.

This is Bo Hübner (she/her), Founder of HoiHoi Language School and an experienced Dutch language teacher. Bo has worked for multiple language institutes (like UvA Talen, Koentact) and loves to support you in your language journey.

Bo has a background in Language Science and Philosophy and has always been fascinated by the different ways in which we use language. During her Bachelor Language Science, she learned a lot about the foundational systems behind different languages. 

Isn't it a miraculous thing that we use sounds (or signs) to understand each other in so many complex ways?

Besides her interest in language, Bo has a passion for philosophy. Ask her anything about Nietsche, Kierkegard or just the absurdity of life and her eyes will glimmer. Through philosophical glasses she finds language fascinating. Isn’t it a miraculous thing that we use sounds (or signs) to understand each other in so many complex ways?

From this place of wonder, she started Boetry to write Dutch poems about life, love and language. (PS. her last poetry collection is sold out, but let us know if you are interested;)  

So in short, Bo is interested in diving right into the nitty-gritty of technical systems behind language, but at the same time she loves the ways in which we can use language in a playful, fun and lighthearted manner.

The rest of the team

Hoihoi Language School Where conversations start


While you don't see Nel teaching Dutch, they work behind the scenes of HoiHoi on designing the best learning experience for you.

Hoihoi Language School Where conversations start


Kobi is our Head of Entertainment. While he might disturb some classes, he will always remind us that we humans take stuff way too serious.

Poem: ‘Ik spreek Nederlands’

Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands.
That means: I speak a little Dutch.
Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands and I like it very much.

I love you is 'ik hou van jou' and beautiful is 'prachtig',
A mustache is called 'een snorretje' and eightyeight is 'achtentachtig'.

Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands.
I speak a little Dutch,
Ik spreek een beetje Nederlands
and I like it very much.

written by Bo

This is our style

In our view, the most important condition of learning a new language is to have a safe environment in which you feel comfortable to speak up and make mistakes. So that’s simply our top priority. 

We’ll not ask you to learn endless lists of difficult words, or push you to pass a certain exam. 

Nope, we just ask you to be yourself, be open and enjoy the ride.

And Bo loves to help you along the way. She is a fun, loyal and an easy going teacher that wants to have a safe, lighthearted and fun time while learning.

Safe & fun


Real-life use

Our priority is to create a safe and fun learning environment. Only then you learn your best Dutch.

Through our interactive course material you’ll find yourself speaking Dutch in no-time.

Use the words and phrases you learnt right after your classes in real life.